We have just finished work on the new internal wiring for the ScopeDome Arduino control card. We hope that this solution will meet your expectations. All connections have been integrated on the new PCBs, which greatly simplifies installation and servicing. This will also eliminate errors that may arise when manually connecting components. Thanks to the new approach, it will be possible for the customer to replace the motherboard without having to send the card to the service in Poland.
In a meantime we introduced some other important news and changes:
– all 2M, 3M, 4M and 55M domes will have exactly the same motor control card housings (they will differ only in the power of the inverters),
– we changed the type of inverter (the previous one was unfortunately discontinued by LG),
– we installed a more efficient 12V power supply in the card,
– we connected the outputs of two telescope mirror heaters and thermometers to the AUX socket (this is probably the most important change).
We have also prepared a new firmware for the cards, which should be more stable than its previous version. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to use it due to the need to reprogram the card’s bootloader. Those who are willing can send us the cards for service, for a small fee we will upload a new bootloader to it.